The POWER of WE October 15, 2012July 13, 2015ruthaine 1 Proverbs are an important part of African Culture. While growing up, there were always proverbs that we heard : they were always said to us in our [...]
UgandaAt50 : the Women Struggle continues. October 8, 2012July 13, 2015ruthaine Comment Today is Independence Day. And it is not just Independence Day but Uganda is celebrating 50 years of Independence. Now, I am not [...]
Uproar against the Poor Health Care System in Uganda September 19, 2012July 13, 2015ruthaine 4 Ugandans on Twitter this morning: woke up to a reality and decided to take action. We have an Understaffed and under paid health [...]
Travel Tips:- Road/Bus Trip to ‘Outside Countries’. September 13, 2012June 29, 2016ruthaine 5 I love to travel: it is always a delight for me to be away from home, I don’t know why.The feeling of being [...]
#KisenyiPhotoShoot #GiveBack February 6, 2012July 13, 2015ruthaine 2 Rubbish strewn everywhere, the smell of waste looming in the air. It is dirty, it is filthy , it is a mess. There [...]
44km Plunge into the Nile October 9, 2011June 29, 2016ruthaine 5 I have never been this scared in my life; But I have also never been s sure of life after this: It was [...]